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अगर आप कोई आयोजन कर रहे हों, जैसे की कोई गोष्ठी, रंगमंच प्रस्तुति, कोई खेल प्रतियोगिता, किसी और तरह की प्रतियोगिता जैसे चित्रकारी, वाद-विवाद, लेखन आदि, तो आप इसकी सूचना इस ब्लॉग के माध्यम से एक मामूली से शुल्क के बदले प्रसारित कर सकते हैं। बस पर एक मेल लिखें जिसमें विषय में Events लिखना ना भूलें। और किसी जानकारी के लिए भी आप यहां संपर्क कर सकते हैं। आयोजन से कम से कम दो हफ्ते पहले सूचित करें।
Now this blog is available to notify any event be it a seminar, a theatre performance, a sporting competition or a competition of any other kind such as drawing, painting, debate, essay writing etc. If you wish to notify an event that you are organising through this blog please write in to Please remember to mention “Events” in the subject line. Please contact at least two weeks before the event.
Looking for submissions for on political, social, cultural, historical, artistic and economic themes. The submissions could be ground reports, analyses, argumentative pieces, book reports or data based extrapolations. The submissions are invited in both Hindi and English languages. Those selected to be published will be paid a small remuneration as well. If you wish to discuss an idea before writing and submitting you may send it with the subject “Story Idea” to or send your finished pieces with subject “Submission” to Looking forward to a meaningful engagement.